Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Behind The Scenes of You're Holding Me

(Hannah is curled up in a corner of a bedroom at her aunt's house. She is imagining her mother walking through the door with a great big smile and open arms, but as minutes turn into hours, Hannah begins to feel disappointed and anxious)

Hannah: Mom, I really miss you...I wait for you to come home every day...I know you said you can't...but I can't...help but wonder what the point of my life is...Auntie said it would get easier, but it hasn't. School is never easy; friends they sometimes leave me. I'm starting to feel angry every day. Why don't you come and get me? You said you loved me, but I'm having a hard time believing it these days. Where is my Dad? Does he love me? When will I see him?

The weeks are getting long and days are lonely...I just need someone to hold me...

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